In the seemingly ordinary town of Emberfall, Daisy, a queer autistic woman, embarks on a quest to prove that undiscovered lands still exist. After stumbling upon an ancient artifact that contains a hidden map, Daisy realizes that her town holds an incredible secret. Not only does Emberfall harbor magic and supernatural beings, but its inhabitants are also interconnected with these undiscovered realms. As she unravels the mystery, Daisy faces challenges along the way. The Elders, a powerful group in Emberfall, seeks to maintain control over the town and suppress any knowledge of the undiscovered lands. They view Daisy as a threat to their power and make it their mission to stop her. With her determination fueled by her unique perspective and experiences as an autistic woman, Daisy uses her abilities to navigate the treacherous path, forming unexpected alliances and unearthing truths that have been hidden for centuries.