Hi, my name is Samantha Rivers and I'm the only daughter of the billionaire golden couple Alena and Daniel Rivers . As there daughter I am to be like them in everyway possible and really it annoys me and having friends that want your money or to be in that popularity category. sometimes I think about my life and why it had to be me like when people say why I am so talented at a young age like at the age of 3 mum forced me to do beauty pageants and I always win of course. Then by the age of 5 they put me in ballet and I won the nationals ballet championships then when I was 8 they decided to put me sport and to say that was probably like one of my favorite things cause not only was dad a billionaire he was also the coach of one of the best football teams in the world. But now I'm a teenager and they force me to go school at some snobby rich school like seriously me in a snobby rich school like that nah ah but in the end I still went sadAll Rights Reserved