When coming home to Japan after a 10 year absence, Hinata LaScottia was reunited with her childhood friends, Ichigo Sato, Ryuzo Hatta, Haruki Tanemura, Takeshi Yuno, and Rihito Hatsune. She felt strange after hanging out with Haruki pretty much everyday... Could this be.... Love? But how, after 10 years apart, could she fall for him?! On a beautiful sunset on their graduation day Hinata sighed as she sat next to him...her crush...her friend...Haruki. "H-haru... I love you..." After being teased by the others about being the 'perfect couple' for 5 years, they come to realize that this perfect couple has become the unperfect couple. Can they stitch up the hole in the relationship and be the perfect couple again? ESPECIALLY after... the accident...?