In the captivating narrative of "Fractals," follow the journey of Sarang as his perception of reality takes a seismic shift. Discovering a hidden truth about the enigmatic fragments in the sky, he delves into a world of shattered perceptions. His quest leads him to a place where the very essence of distortion and illusion, the glasses, is manufactured. But a mysterious earthquake disrupts everything, and suddenly, the boundaries between truths blur. In the midst of upheaval, Sarang encounters Rokia, who unravels the reality further. A new world order emerges, leaving Sarang to grapple with his newfound understanding. As he navigates this unfamiliar terrain, he seeks a cure, a way to mend the broken fragments, a clash between his old beliefs and this new revelation. The narrative unfolds across two distinctive parts: the initial exploration as Sarang pieces together the fractured reality, followed by his determined efforts to combat the chaos alongside his companions. As the universal truth unravels, Sarang's mission becomes a quest to adapt, mend, and find a resolution to the chasm that divides perception. An unexpected arrival marks a turning point as the tale reaches its crescendo. The force responsible for the fractures is unveiled, shaping the destiny of Sarang and the entire world. The essence of "Fractals" lies in the tension between perceptions and the eternal struggle to reconcile what is seen with what is real. Prepare to be captivated by a tale that challenges norms and uncovers the hidden layers of existence, all within the frame of reality in fragments - a reality where "Fractals" reign.
11 parts