(The cover is not mine it belongs to L0neCouri0r I asked permission to use it) a long long time ago about a hundred years ago before the RDA arrived to Pandora the Na'vi have encountered a species call the Yaujta's or the Predator's a alien species with highly advanced technology the Na'vi was gonna go to war against the Yaujta as they called them the sky demon's thinking they were here to destroy their homeworld but the Na'vi learned the ways of the Yaujta they are a alien species that go around the Galaxy to other planets to hunt for strong prey so the Na'vi and Yaujta made a treaty that they can hurt on Pandora as along they don't kill Na'vi a hundred years later the RDA have arrived to Pandora to make it a new home for humanity and then a ship crash landed that was a Patrol ship for Yaujta and inside was an hybrid of Xenomorph and Yaujta or a abomination and back on the yaujta homeworld a young boy name YN the first human yaujta warrior retrieve a message about the Abomination and now he goes to Pandora to hunt and find the Abomination and kill itAll Rights Reserved