"Lost in Time, Found in Love" follows the journey of our protagonist, Kim Ji Young, during the challenging period of Japanese rule in Korea. In 1943, Kim Ji Young makes a courageous decision to abandon everything she knows to be with Ryota, a prince torn between duty and his growing love for her. Their connection faces numerous obstacles, as Ryota initially attempts to resist their deepening affection. However, a moment of vulnerability leads him to confess his love, and they become inseparably bound.
As their love deepens, they spend two precious years together, cherishing each other's presence and relishing their shared memories, particularly at their special place by the Han River. Unfortunately, their idyllic world is shattered by the eruption of war, plunging them into chaos and uncertainty. Tragedy strikes when Kim Ji Young witnesses the devastating loss of her mother, prompting a frantic escape with Ryota. In a cruel twist of fate, the forces of time separate them, leaving them yearning for a reunion. Before parting, Ryota presents Kim Ji Young with "forget-me-not" flowers, symbolizing their unwavering bond and a promise to meet again.
Fast forward to 1953, and Kim Ji Young finds herself seeking refuge in Busan, away from her tumultuous family life. There, she encounters Minho, a persistent and enigmatic man. Unbeknownst to her, their meeting was orchestrated by her friend Jiho, who was initially meant to go on a blind date with Minho but sent Kim Ji Young instead. Mistaken for Jiho, Kim Ji Young becomes entangled in a web of emotions and complicated dynamics. As her heart becomes intertwined with Minho's, secrets and misunderstandings threaten to unravel their budding relationship. Amidst this turmoil, the unexpected reappearance of Ryota adds another layer of complexity to her life, forcing her to confront her true desires and make an impossible choice between her past and present loves.