In a world where Vampires openly co-exist alongside Humans, the two sides live in relative peaceful harmony, respecting the rules and regulations agreed upon by both sides.
Regina Mills, a Vampire who has seen much in her hundred years on this earth, now prefers the quiet and peaceful silence of solitude. She keeps to herself and doesn't make waves, working diligently to blend in with the Humans. But, even though she enjoyed the simplicity of her solitary life, she always felt like something was missing. An uncharacteristic decision one night caused everything to change suddenly, when she saw the beautiful blonde vampire hunter for the first time.
Emma Swan, a vampire hunter who was recently promoted to Boston after bouncing from city to city for work, tries to acclimate to the New England weather. She didn't know what it was about the old city that called to her, but perhaps it had something to do with the beautiful woman with the stunning brown eyes, that she crashed into one night in front of the Boston Public Library.
Emma Swan and her daughter are on the run from her ex husband and his siblings. They escape to a town in Maine where they meet Regina Mills, a sassy and cruel bartender. They instantly don't get along but also hold a lot of sexual tension when they are together and, let's say, it doesn't go unnoticed. Emma must survive anything her ex throws at her whilst trying to survive the temptations of Regina. Will Emma ever tell Regina what's going on? Can Regina help fight? Can Emma run away when the time comes?
Book 1