Earth 2398, a time where humanity teeters on the edge of collapse, a classified and mysterious laboratory called Kadon imprisons genetically aligned subjects for nightmarish experiments, their torment hidden behind a facade of normalcy. The dark and forlorn society sees the laboratory as a light in the darkness and a cure for a dying world. But within the labrinth of the concrete walls, geneticly-made creatures stir in the laboratory. Amidst the darkness, a mysterious new inmate emerges, navigating trials that break others and sparking whispers of awe and hope. As a rebellion forms and tensions escalate, the laboratory's true purpose is unveiled, setting the stage for a ruinous rebellion that could reshape their desolate world. Amidst chaos and destruction, the new inmate's resilience leads to a defiance that ushers in a new era, blurring the lines between salvation and ruin.