In a world of curses and magic akin to "Jujutsu Kaisen," "Gojo's Little Vessel" follows Y/N, an ordinary girl who accidentally consumes a cursed finger, gaining incredible power. Satoru Gojo, a charismatic sorcerer, becomes her personal mentor and protector. Amid battling malevolent curses, a romantic tension simmers between them. Their partnership evolves as they unveil secrets about curses and sorcery, facing challenges that test their feelings and determination. The story explores love, sacrifice, and self-discovery against a backdrop of danger, intertwining supernatural threats with the complexities of their human emotions. "Gojo's Little Vessel" is a captivating blend of action, romance, and inner conflict, delving into how Y/N and Gojo navigate a world where emotions and curses are inextricably linked, and so are their hearts.