In the mysterious town of Hollowbrook, where the lines between the supernatural and the ordinary blur, a group of six friends possess extraordinary abilities that have earned them a chilling reputation as "The Shadow Six." With powers over fire, water, strength, mind-reading, flight, and telekinesis, they rule their high school with an iron grip, instilling both awe and fear. However, their powers are not just for show; they harbor dark secrets and a malevolent entity that threatens to unleash chaos.
As they navigate a world of mystery and horror, "Whispers of Destiny" follows The Shadow Sixand their new ally, Lucas, on a treacherous journey. Battling ancient curses, deciphering cryptic prophecies, and confronting their own inner demons, they must work together to protect their town from malevolent forces that could shatter their reality. In this gripping tale of friendship, redemption, and the power of unity, they learn that destiny has whispered their names for a reason, and their choices will determine the fate of both the supernatural realm and the world of the living.
The Land of the Rising Sun Transfers to Another World
131 parts Ongoing
131 parts
In 2045, Japan is suddenly transported to another world. With the Self-Defense Forces having become an official national defense organization due to constitutional amendments, how will the Japanese government act toward this other world? Where will Japan's future lead...?
RELEASE: 2016 (HIATUS IN 2022)