Zenitsu Agatsuma, a highschool student at an age of 16 years working part-time at a small cafe. Currently, he is recovering from a breakup of his ex; trying to stop himself from finding love, and is hating the idea of it from his history and trauma of his separations. He has an older brother, named Kaigaku. Kaigaku often teases or bullies him for his trauma, which doesn't help in Zenitsu trying his best to heal.
Tanjiro Kamado, a college student at the age of 16 years (IN THIS AU) is a full-time musician, often playing his guitar for locals. He has quite a huge family, yet being the oldest one.. he has a favorite sibling!! Nezuko! Nezuko goes to the same highschool as he does, so it's hard to find them separated from one-another (Also being the overprotective brother he is.)
One day, the two opposites bump into eachother as they're distracted on their phones, Zenitsu spills some coffee on Tanjiro's guitar, apologizing uncontrollably, Tanjiro finds this a little adorable, so he decides to give Zenitsu his number.
In result, they find out they go to the same school. And quickly, they become friends, then best friends. Though.. even after Zenitsu's trauma, he can't help but just have an instinct to fall in-love easily, and that's exactly what happens between the two of them. Zenitsu tries to stop himself from the idea of liking Tanjiro, whilst for Tanjiro.. he had fell in-love at first sight. Though, he believes that Zenitsu likes Nezuko instead of him, so he tries to hide his feelings away.
What they both don't know is that they truly are destined to be, no matter how much they hide it, and no matter how much they try to get rid of it; the two shall never be separated...
Will they find out their true fate for one-another? Or will this just become another form of trauma for Zenitsu to fall into again?
You stumble into two situationships simultaneously. As in, two Hashira are all up in your business. There's not just attraction; there's this magnetic pull, this insane connection that you can't explain. And you're trying to push them away, "Look, I just want to murder demons, go away!" But these guys? They're not backing down. They've both made it abundantly clear: they aren't sharing. The level of possessiveness is... well, let's just say it's a whole other demon you didn't anticipate facing.
So, there you are, a multi-breathing, demon-slaying machine who just wants to get the job done, saddled with a teenage apprentice who looks up to you, and somehow tangled in a love triangle with two top-tier demon slayers who are basically playing a tug-of-war with you as the rope. And let's not forget, all the while, you've got the shadow of Doma looming in your past like a bad acid trip. It's like, you finally made it to the big leagues... and it's a whole new kind of insane. A good kind of insane... maybe? Yeah, this is gonna be one wild ride.