"Carl and Robi" is a heartfelt novel that delves into the lives of two individuals, Carl and Robi. Their paths intertwine unexpectedly, weaving a tale of friendship, love, and self-discovery. Set against the backdrop of a high school, the story follows Carl, who becomes enamored by Robi's charm and looks. But as they grow closer, Carl discovers that Robi's exterior hides a complex personality. The story takes us on their journey from chance encounters to profound rooftop conversations, exploring their dreams, fears, and shared struggles. As their bond deepens, Carl faces moments of heartbreak and confusion, leading to introspection and seeking guidance from friends. Throughout the ups and downs, "Carl and Robi" beautifully captures the unspoken emotions that shape their lives, creating a compelling narrative of connection, growth, and the power of vulnerability.
[sequel to Fools]
Noah and Sam are happy and in love... and living an hour away from each other while Sam enters his senior year of high school and Noah starting college. But, they could manage. An hour away was nothing... so they thought.
When new friends come into picture and Noah's college life keeps him more busy than the two realized, Sam's anxiety and jealousy might be too much to handle.
Warning: this is a bxb book that contains mature language and mature scenes, mental disorders, drug use, some violence, and a whole lot of gay shit!!