In a wintry setting, a young boy resides in a modest apartment burdened by his father's gambling debts. Despite his hardships, he diligently works on a passion project, hoping it will catch the attention of a prominent company. In his small room, he finds solace and pours his heart into his creation, dreaming of a better life.
Meanwhile, the prestigious Jeon Company thrives in the city, led by the privileged Jeon family. The heir, born into wealth and privilege, bears the weight of his family's empire. However, beneath his charming facade, he feels the pressure of his responsibility.
These two seemingly disparate lives are destined to collide, as destiny weaves an invisible thread between them. Their intertwined paths will reveal the complexities they face and the obstacles they must overcome. Will their backgrounds keep them apart, or will love and determination prevail?
As their journey unfolds, a captivating tale of longing, sacrifice, and the delicate balance between duty and love takes center stage. The story paints a breathtaking canvas of possibilities and transformation, unraveling the story of an ambitious boy and a privileged heir.
*This is going to be My first ever work
Not a good writter but I'll try
#Top kook
#Bottom Tae
need a cover picture 😪😭