One day there was a girl here name was Alyssa.She live next to the woods and every full moon she would hear wolves howling.But one really dark night all the light there was from the full moon. She was outside looking at the moon.She went in the woods and she saw a wolf looking at her face to face. Alyssa started to run and the wolf chased her all the way home.The wolf got her by her foot before she got to the stairs and tore her pants and took her shoe.she yelled her mom Briget looked all around the house but know sign of Alyssa. So that morning she went out and looked and still know sign of her. She went back in the house to see if she would show up. At 10:38 am Alyssa woke up in the woods. Alyssa saw wolf prints every were then she started to walk to find her house. She found her house at 1:43 pm. Alyssa's mom looked out side and saw her. Alyssa only had one shoe and her pants were torn.Her mom ran gave her a huge and asked what happened Alyssa said I don't know.All Rights Reserved