"I'll stand by you no matter what. Even if you push me away. We're all in this together. You and me, against all odds, remember?" Drew said as tears cascaded down. It was hard for Maggie to finally come to terms about her sickness. How she wish it was just some sort of a flu or tooth ache or cough she could take some meds and pain killers then it would just gi away. But no, it was more than that. It was serious. She had underwent depression. She was utterly devastated when the news broke. She was young, vibrant and full of ambitions but in just one blink of an eye, everything banished. "No, please let me be. You deserve more." Maggie said softly. She turned around to hide her eyes that are brimming with tears. Seeing her vulnerable would be one thing she doesn't like. "No babe. Don't be like this." Drew whispered as he snake his arms around her. "Goodbye, Andrew." Maggie said softly as she remove herself from his arms.