note: not based on any of the lore that Iluna has. but it also is based on their lore if it makes any science. anyways here is the back story! in this story, you will be Ren's little sister and your older brother is a part of a band that is called Iluna and they all go to a school called Skura High. You, of course, a first year just like Kyo Kaneko while Ren is a third year in high school while he is in his last year, and you're homeschooled, because you're being bullied at your old school, happened your mom allowed you to be at home doing school but then all of a sudden your dad leaves and divorces your mom but then you mom had mentally abused you because of how you are and also because she wanted to blame it on you for your dad leaving you, of course, your mom soon sent you to Ren's school because she wanted you to be just like him even though both you and ren were different and you both knew that. but then you found a way to escape it all and that was by making a fanfiction story because (a.) you liked how your brother sang and also was in a band. (b.) also, you wanted your account to be out there and let people know they are not alone. Then one night when you had to work and at this point, ren knew what was going on with you he decided to ask you if you wanted to go with him to a friend's house. and that was when you met Kyo Kaneko at work and got to know him and the rest of the band. Btw pt.1 starting soon! also, I don't own anyone in the story credits goes to Ninjisanji en and any color ink. the only thing owned is the plot and the reader also credits the people for the pictures and music that is in the story!
"You do know how to eat a burger, right?"
Summer rolled her eyes, looking up at him with feigned exasperation. "Of course I do," she retorted, then lowered her voice as she leaned in, her expression shifting to one of genuine concern. "Do you think they have a fork and knife? So I can, you know... cut it?"
Robby Keene x fem!oc
cobra kai season 3-6