In the heart of the city, three inseparable friends, Jan the mysterious professional fighter, Maya his fiancée, the undercover police officer, and Arthur the cunning businessman, lead seemingly ordinary lives while sharing a hidden mission. Driven by their own sense of justice, they discreetly target those who have escaped the law's grasp: murderers, rapists, and deceitful magnates. As they each navigate their dual identities, their actions become a complex web of justice-seeking endeavors, unknown to one another. But when their paths unexpectedly intertwine, alliances are tested, and secrets unravel, forcing them to confront the blurred lines between right and wrong. A tale of loyalty, retribution, and the unexpected bonds that form in the shadows.
Y/N who's struggling to pay for her brother's surgery enters a game to earn money what she didn't expect was for the game to be a much more worse thing.