Little Mix isn't Little Mix without Jade Thirlwall, a long devastating week went by when they heard that they're bundle of joy was gone - dead. Perrie's been pulling her hair out calling Jade four times a day trying to prove herself that the news articles are wrong - but they aren't wrong, she's gone. Leigh Anne's being locked up in her bedroom all break, crying and writing letters to Jade, sending them to places she could've been, e-mailing her, trying to do whatever she could to get the purple haired girl to talk to her - but it's impossible to do so, she's dead after all. And Jesy, well Jesy's been under lots of stress of the pap's blaming Jesy for Jades death, they weren't the closest of friends, but she wouldn't kill Jade for the world! She prays every night hoping that Jade'll come back - but she can't, she won't, she refuses to, she needs to be in the other side, where everyone who won't judge her is. But, that's a bit hard after all, being Jade Thirlwall can leave some death threats, most importantly, Death Marks.