The Blade Within" follows the story of Kazuto Karasuma, a 15-year-old student who finds himself in the infamous E class due to his unruly behavior towards teachers and students. Despite his sharp tongue and introverted nature, Kazuto possesses a strong sense of confidence and a unique passion for his long black hair, which often becomes a source of banter between him and his friend, Karma.
Kazuto's father, Mr. Karasuma, also works at the school, adding an extra layer of pressure and expectation on Kazuto to behave. However, the only person who truly intimidates him is the principal, whose mysterious presence looms over the entire school.
Despite his reputation, Kazuto is revealed to be the third smartest student in the class, often seen spending time with Rio and Karma. Rio, known for her teasing nature, has a secret romantic relationship with Kazuto with many funny incidents including girl clothes
Unbeknownst to his classmates, Kazuto has been honing his skills in kendo and swordsmanship for years. These abilities, combined with his strategic mind, make him a formidable force within E class. As the story progresses, Kazuto's skills are put to the test when the class faces various challenges and threats.