"In the distant realm of 8293, 'Hope's Beacon' unfurls against the backdrop of impending doom - an enormous crater hurtling towards Earth with a mere 10-month window before impact. Dr. Evelyn Calder, a brilliant astrophysicist, emerges as the beacon of salvation, having dedicated two intense months to researching the meteor's trajectory. Her audacious proposal ignites a global effort to construct a spacecraft capable of achieving 37% the speed of light, a vessel aptly named 'Hope's Beacon.' The narrative encapsulates the race against time as humanity's finest minds converge to engineer the ship, while Dr. Calder's scientific brilliance guides the way. With liftoff, the story unfolds as a poignant testament to human determination, exploring themes of unity, ingenuity, and survival amidst the cosmos' uncertainty."
It is the year 2336, and time travel is possible. In a world where technology has reached unprecedented levels and security has become a priority, there exists an elite Time Protection Office. Its agents are responsible for protecting the past, present, and future from dangers that could threaten the stability of time. The main character is Jakub Jansen, an experienced BBT agent, who along with his team faces a unique challenge. He must solve the case of murders committed in the past by a mysterious assassin that could disrupt the timeline. An unexpected ally in this task turns out to be a visitor from the 30th century, Bert. A traveler, adventurer, and complete opposite of Jakub. Together, they will have to face many troubles and a strong and influential opponent.