24 parts Ongoing Synopsis
In the mystical world of the Eunoia clan, where fates are tied by the moon and powers are inherited through bloodlines, Taehyung, the strong and noble alpha leader of the clan, finds his life unexpectedly turned upside down. Bound by duty to his people, Taehyung has raised his son with Jennie, an alpha who is not his fated mate. As they bring their child to the omega doctor Jungkook, a twist of fate is revealed-the child is not truly Taehyung's. Even more shocking, Taehyung discovers that his true fated mate is Jungkook.
Genre: Romance, Drama, Mystery, Fantasy
Main Pairing: Taekook (Taehyung x Jungkook)
Sub-pairings: Namjin, Yoonminseok