31 جزء
undefined أجزاء إكمال " They came again yesterday." I mutter, absorbed in the wave of happiness the memory brings me.
" Who came?" The Therapist questioned, eyes glued to the computer.
I look down at my hand, lightly tapping a melody onto the armchair. I smile.
"My friends."
The Therapist stopped typing and met my eyes. "Your friends? What did you guys do?"
I lightly laugh, eyes twinkling as I begin my story.
"They came back for me- Hobi, Jungkook, all of them, they came and broke me out. We ran around and played all day. Even Suga hyung ran and laughed with us. We rode bikes and threw around the pillows. Jin took pictures of everything, I wish I had them. We had so much fun, its too bad I'm back here, I hope they come again soon." I lean back into my chair turning my head to the photograph of hazy trees on the wall, maybe we should go on a hike next time? Jin could even make lunch for us! ahhhh, I miss his cooking!
"-Jimin" The Therapist interrupts.
I look back to him. My smiling face un-reflected in his creased and taut image.
"I thought we got through this already, you know they're not coming back."
My smile fades.
"Why not?" I question forcefully
The Therapist sighs, "You know why Jimin. "
I look back down at my hand tightly griping the armchair, knuckles turning white. I fight back tears as I come back to reality.
"I know."
"Lets up your medication, okay? Then everything will be better again." The Therapist voice rings in the silence.
A tear falls.
Nothing will be better again.
-1st place all of BTS Her award-