Shadows in the Sunset is a crossover between the classic soccer series "Inazuma Eleven Go" and the fan-favorite Henry Stickmin Collection that officially combines the two works of fiction. Shadows in the Sunset takes place 14 years into the future, right after Galaxy. Tenma Matsukaze is an intern surgeon eager to start his first day at Galleria Meadow Hospital. Accompanied by his girlfriend, Aoi Sorano, Tenma is armed with all the skills he needs to take on this next chapter in his life after parting from Raimon. However, things soon take an unexpected turn, and Tenma finds himself wondering if he made the right choice, learning his existence had a inhumane connection to the powers of this universe. (Immediate warning, this is really OOC and there are original characters added in here. Oh, and yes.. I'm a KyouTen shipper, but for the sake of the lore, AoiTen makes a little more sense.)