In the hallowed hallways of Yonsei High School, the facades of pefection hides a dark secret. This elite institution, known for its opulent campus and prestigious reputation, is a breeding ground for the upper class. Yet, beneath its polished exterior lies a sinister past.
Last year, a chilling incident rocked the foundation of Yonsei High. Corruption seeped through the institution like a poision, casting long shadows over its once-gleaming halls. But now, the truth beckons, and its time to unveil the secrets lurking within.
Our rebellious high schoolers, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, each carrying their own burdens, and our sweet Seorin and Minseo, are determined to unravel the mysteries. Along the way, they'll confront their own haunting traumas, grapple with the complexities of life, seek out love in the unlikeliest of place, and confront their backstories that could shatter their whole world.
Admist the whispers of betrayal and echoes of their own pasts, they must summon the courage to survive not only the dangers lurking in school but also the turmoil of their own hearts and minds.
Can they break the cycle of deceit that has held Yonsei High in its grasp? or will they too become casualities of a corrupt institution.