The story takes place in an Alternate Timeline in the world of Remnant, which is filled with supernatural forces and shadowy creatures known as the Grimm. Prior to the events of the series, mankind waged a battle of survival against the Grimm before discovering the power of a mysterious element called Dust, which allowed them to fight back against the monsters. In the present day, Dust is used to power magical abilities and weapons. Those who use these abilities to battle the Grimm are known as Huntsmen and Huntresses. The series focuses on A Group of Teenagers, each with their own unique weapon and powers. Together, they form a teams at Beacon Academy in the city of Vale, where they are trained to become Huntresses & Huntsmen.
Cold War between the largest nations advanced military technology, but behind closed doors the greed for more power, resulted in the abuse of the arcane magic of the Dark/Demon World. Corruption and evil has spread far, with only some groups are able to face it, thanks to their super human abilities. Most games of the series feature these intro lines:
"In the near future, the Human Wolrd is plagued with demons from the dark world.
There existed an ancient, unspoken rule of non-interference between humans and demons, but as humanity descended into decadence, the rule has fallen to obsolesce; it was the time of chaos, where evil syndicates of man and fiend roamed in the darkness.
But those who sought the righteous path were not hopeless.
Takes place in a another Universe and is indirectly a version to Shin Megami Tensei / Blazblue/ Guilty Gear/Taimanin Series/Honkai series/Final Fantasy/Naruto /Dragon Quest series and Dragon Ball
This is the Part 2 of "The Hunter's gonna lay low" since I can't publish more than 200 parts in one story..
> The Hunter's Gonna Lay low written by Baek Sam