In the aftermath of a fractured wizarding world, Hermione Granger finds herself ensnared in a web of captivity within the Malfoy Manor. With danger lurking in every shadow and her resilience tested to its limits, Hermione must navigate the treacherous path that fate has laid before her. Amidst the darkness, an unexpected connection forms with Draco Malfoy, and their journey unfolds against a backdrop of bloodshed, tension, and unspoken truths. As Hermione's captivity becomes a crucible of survival, the story unfurls, revealing layers of suspense, mystery, and unforeseen emotions.
All credits goes to J.K Rowling for the characters and universe + credit to @dar.a_art for the cover.
The years have not been kind to either Hermione Granger or Draco Malfoy. With the war over and the dawning of a new age begins: both Granger and Malfoy must learn that the past is the past and that's just where it should stay.
Hermione, now 25 and watching her friends move more into adulthood while she treads behind- has taken up a new sort of job for the Ministry of Magic. But an unsuspecting alliance may be brewing for her since the Golden Trio has disbanded. Certain events lead her to start questioning her secret Slytherin side.
Draco, having avoided serious consequences, finds that he is more alone now than he ever had been. In a world he no longer understands- Draco must find his inner Gryffindor to get by. Or it may just be the last thing he'll do. With the help of the least likely person: can Draco manage to survive?
All characters, realm, and verbiage (Non Muggle Words) are owned by J.K Rowling and Warner Brother's Studios! I merely own the subplot to this story!
Adult Content: sexual themes, violence, strong adult language, etc- Mature readers of at least 18!