Enter the world of 'Stay Woke,' a captivating novel that delves into the unique journey of two young girls. Bound by an unbreakable friendship and an insatiable curiosity, they embark on a quest for a higher consciousness, guided by both their faith in a higher power and an unyielding determination to unlock the secrets of DMT, the elusive psychedelic hormone of happiness. In this thought-provoking narrative, Viktor A. King masterfully explores the intersection of spirituality and science, as our heroines navigate the complexities of their inner worlds. As they delve deeper into the realm of consciousness expansion, they find themselves on an extraordinary path, one that challenges the boundaries of reality and perception. 'Stay Woke' is a story of growth, connection, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. It invites readers to question the very essence of existence and to contemplate the limitless potential of the human mind. Through the vivid storytelling of Viktor A. King, this novel takes us on an exhilarating ride through the realms of faith, consciousness, and the extraordinary power that lies within us all.