Every night Hawks has the same dream. It has followed him for his entire life, haunting every step he takes, he sees the same woman. There is just one problem. He has no idea who she is. But that all changes when by chance, she magically appears and the two are fated together in all the worst and best possible ways imaginable as he learns the true tragedy of the term "soulmates."
♡☁ She was just a dream; she was supposed to be a dream.
Yet even so, I felt something awaken within myself, something ancient, like it had always been there, in the back of my mind. And though I didn't know what this feeling was, it felt warm and inviting.
Like I was reuniting with an old friend I had never actually met. ☁ ♡
Story contains:
First Person POV
Sad, lots of sad.
Soft boy Hawks that doesn't know about romance.
Spice and NSWF content that moves the story forward
Artwork: https://twitter.com/torrie_skm/status/1251839036861190144
A compilation of HawksxReader requests!
A/N: I will not accept requests that I'm not confident I can write, or have NSFW. I am only writing one request at a time.
Request status: CLOSED