The story follows the life of Maya, a young girl who faces adversity and struggles after being orphaned at a young age. Determined to rise above her circumstances, Maya's resourcefulness and resilience lead her to success as she becomes a skilled artisan. Despite facing prejudice and challenges, Maya's journey inspires positive change in her community, transforming a crafts market from a symbol of struggle to a beacon of creativity and unity. The story highlights themes of family bonds, empathy, empowerment, and the lasting impact one person can have on others.
🎶🎶Yeh Mera Deewanapan Hai
Ya Mohabbat Ka Suroor
Tu Na Pehchaane To Hai Yeh
Teri Nazron Ka Kusoor
Yeh Mera Deewanapan ...🎶🎶
This is the third book in Short Stories Collection!!!!!
With some new stories, new characters and new lives but the only thing is constant and which is LOVE!❤️❤️