The kingdom of Auradon lives a time of peace and prosperity under the reign of Ben and Mal, the children of Beauty and the Beast and Maleficent. However, everything changes when a terrible tragedy strikes the young monarchs, leaving them lifeless and the kingdom without heirs. Faced with this situation, the royal council resorts to the line of succession plan that Ben and Mal had designed in case of not having offspring. According to this plan, the candidates to occupy the throne are the other descendants of the ancient villains who were welcomed in Auradon: Evie, the daughter of the Evil Queen; Jay, the son of Jafar; and Carlos, the son of Cruella de Vil, along with their respective partners: Doug, the son of Dopey; Lonnie, Mulan's daughter; and Jane, the daughter of the Fairy Godmother.
According to the established order, Evie is the first in the line of succession, followed by Jay and Carlos. This means that Evie will become the new queen of Auradon, and that her children will be the future heirs. But not everyone is happy with this decision. Some sectors of the kingdom oppose a villain's descendant ruling Auradon, and hatch a plan to prevent it. Also, Evie will have to deal with her own fears and insecurities, and with the pressures of being a good queen to her people.
Can Evie rise to the challenge of leading Auradon?
How will his coronation affect his relationship with Doug and his friends?
What secrets are hidden behind the death of Ben and Mal?
Find out in this exciting story full of adventure, romance and magic.