(In this story, Ross is 1 1/2, and the rest are they're real age in real life. xP) The amazing R5. They perform brilliantly on stage, and know how to put they're happy faces all the time. Oh, well, you see, don't let those ahppy faces fool you!
Stormie, (they're mom) died giving birth Ross. Mark was devastated. A few days after he was born, he killed himself. They we're so sad and depressed about it. Ross never knew what happened. In fact, he was only a newborn.
So now, he's 1 1/2, and he calls Rydel mommy. He thinks shes his mommy, and she decided to keep it that way. She didn't want to upset Ross and say his mom died because of him. Everyone thought it was cute when he called Rydel mommy. They live together alone, and sometimes they visit the rest of the family which are only 5 houses away.
Anyway, Ross is the best baby boy Rydel could ever take care of. He has soft blonde hair that she loves brushing, but after taking him a shower and knots apear, and she has to take them out, which he hates because it hurts. She loves everything about him.
Will there be any challenges in they're life?
Will there be any bad conflict?
Drama even?
Maybe he wont let anything get away with him and his baby heart.
R5 has this competition where you can win to go on tour with them . The competition is where you answer a whole bunch of questions that no one would ever know besides the dedicated fans would know . The winner is ... Loghan .
She is 19 years old . She loves R5 so much they are her life . She has brown hair but she dies it different colors a lot , 5'11 , green eyes . There is a problem though she loves every one equally . Besides Ross . She does love him but there is something about him she doesn't like . Ross tries to get her to like him more then what she wants the relation ship to be ( she just wants to be friends ) . Maybe it works maybe it will not . Or if they do will it ruin everything . There might be a love triangle . Loghan has her on crush in the band and its not Ross .
NOTE: I don't really like Ross that's why I had this idea !!!!!!!