Based on Season 3 of Glee...
The glee kids are down in the dumps following their disappointing showing at nationals, so Will assigns them a project to get them back on track. A person from a rival group joins McKinley and joins New Directions.
Shelby Corcoran returns to the halls of McKinley High, and Mr. Schuester worries what that could do to Ashleigh...?
Emma gets a visit from her parents. Mike Chang's parents get involved when his grades aren't up to their standards. Ashleigh tells Rachel what she thinks of her.
Mercedes starts recruiting for Shelby's new glee club, including Ashleigh, and Ashleigh refuses and decides to stay with New Directions. Ashleigh and Blaine reach a new, physical stage in their relationship, as do Rachel and Finn in theirs.
Will and Shelby encourage some friendly competition between their clubs, but it ends in disaster when a fight breaks out between Santana and Ashleigh in the hallway. Ashleigh slapped Finn in the face.
In an attempt to recruit a few more members, Ashleigh suggested bringing Sam back. New Directions and Troubletones go head-to-head at sectionals.
The rivalry between New Directions and Blaine's old group, the Warblers, intensifies en route to regionals. When a member of New Directions is badly hurt, they are left to have surgery.
In honour of Valentine's Day, Will challenges the New Directions to find and perform the world's greatest love songs. Blaine gets Joe, Mercedes, Sam, and Quinn to perform a song for Ashleigh.
Things heat up as the New Directions go head-to-head with the Dalton Academy Warblers at regionals. Blaine's big brother and Hollywood actor, Cooper, comes to pay him a visit.
Glee Club travels to Chicago to compete in nationals against the best show choirs, including Vocal Adrenaline.
"Oh, no!" Piper shook her head as soon as she spotted JBI as she walked with Mercedes down the hallway. Grabbing her best friend by the arm, she tried to make a turn and walk the other way, but Jacob spotted them anyway and rushed after them with his microphone and cameraman behind him. "Oh, come on..."
"PIper Snow!" JBI said, as Piper rolled her eyes and Mercedes started to walk a bit faster to try and lose the kid. "Rumors have been going around the school that this summer you didn't have to be locked away for your eating problems despite your fainting last year and some say that it is because you finally managed to get into Quinn Fabray's pants after two whole years of pining after her."
"Get lost, Jacob." Mercedes spoke up, trying to come up in Piper's defense, which only caused Jacob to press her further.
"So it is true? Are you and Miss Fabray a thing now?" He asked. "And where is she anyway? No one's heard of her for days now."
Sequel to Picture Perfect - Books 1 and 2 that you can find in my works!
Set in Season 3
Disclaimer: Some of the dialogue aren't mind and most of the characters aren't either