In the quiet suburban town of Maplebrook, a teenager's life takes a harrowing turn when a seemingly innocuous encounter with the police spirals into a nightmarish ordeal. When 16-year-old Alex Harris unwittingly becomes the focus of police scrutiny, he finds himself thrust into a world where innocence is no defense.
It all begins when Alex's curiosity leads him to an ill-fated decision, one that draws the attention of two vigilant police officers. Unbeknownst to him, a simple misstep leads to an accidental collision with one of the officers. In a flurry of apologies, Alex retreats to the safety of his home, convinced that the incident is behind him.
But the next day, the relentless knock on his front door shatters his sense of normalcy. Officer Mark Anderson, a stern and unyielding figure, presents Alex with a warrant for his arrest. As the bewildered teenager's life unravels, his mother, Linda, confronts the escalating crisis, demanding answers from the authorities.
Locked in a perplexing legal battle, Alex must navigate the treacherous waters of a justice system that seems determined to see him as a criminal. The police station becomes a place of constant surveillance, with personal guards and restrictions that go beyond the norm. Alex is left to ponder the terrifying question: Why is he being treated as a threat?
'In the Shadow of Suspicion' is a gripping and suspenseful tale that delves deep into the complexities of power, trust, and the consequences of a single moment. As Alex fights to unravel the truth and clear his name, the reader is drawn into a heart-pounding narrative that challenges the boundaries of justice and raises questions about the lengths some will go to maintain control. Will Alex emerge from the shadows of suspicion, or will he be forever ensnared in a web of deceit and manipulation?
Geoff and Naomi are dead, and they're depressed, but when Geoff's cat Bernie dies as well, they embark on a wild journey to find it in the underworld.
When Geoff dies, alongside his girlfriend Naomi, they end up sharing an apartment in the Underworld as skeletons. But after a few years, Geoff starts suffering a mid-death crisis. What's the purpose of going through the motions as a skeleton if you can't really live? Then he gets word that his cat, Bernie, just died and he can collect him and bring him home! Geoff and Naomi hurry to get Bernie only to discover that, due to a clerical error, their cat has been lost. With the hunt for Bernie giving new purpose to Geoff's un-life, he and Naomi begin a quest to get back their cat. Battling skeleton pirates, climbing the sky ladder and facing off against the villain who took Bernie, Geoff is determined to find his purpose - or die a second time trying!
[[2018 Wattys Winner - The Originals]]
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