Ayame Nakamura, a seemingly ordinary high school girl, harbors a dark and dangerous obsession with her senpai, Akira Tanaka. What appears to be innocent infatuation soon spirals into a nightmare of obsession and madness.
Ayame is the picture of sweetness, always with a smile on her face, but her feelings for Akira run deeper than anyone can fathom. Her obsession with him knows no bounds, as she watches his every move, collects his personal belongings, and listens to his every conversation, convinced that their love is destined.
As Ayame's obsession escalates, her actions take a terrifying turn. She's willing to do anything to protect their love, even if it means eliminating anyone who gets in her way. Her descent into madness is marked by twisted displays of affection, shocking acts of violence, and a chilling facade that conceals her true, psychotic nature.
Akira, the unsuspecting senpai, is drawn into a whirlwind of danger and fear as he slowly uncovers the horrifying truth about Ayame's obsession. Will he be able to escape her clutches and break free from the nightmare that has become his life? Or will Ayame's love, which she believes is pure and unending, consume them both like no other?
Eventually, love becomes a grotesque dance of possession, and the line between devotion and madness blurs until there is no escape from the depths of Ayame's twisted affection. Will there be a sliver of hope left for Akira, or is he doomed to be forever entangled in the web of Ayame's deranged love?
Headless bodies start appearing in the streets, so cunning Detective Rashida Heyes and her partner have to stop the killer to prevent the apocalypse
After bodies start appearing in the middle of the streets, hollowed and headless, Detective Rashida Heyes and her partner, Travis Virgil, are given the case. However, once they dig deeper, meeting the emotionally broken Victor Eccelstone, and realize how heavily the church is involved, Rashida has to acknowledge that this case might be bigger than she had ever imagined. These crimes aren't the act of one man - they're the beginning of the end of the world
[[Winner of the 2017 Wattys Storysmith Award]]
[[word count: 150,000-200,000 words]]