Hazel and Duri, two students at the Academy, were initially tumultuous. Duri, a sharp tongue and mischievous prankster, took pleasure in tormenting Hazel, making her life a nightmare. Hazel, a quiet and introverted girl, focused on her studies and kept her distance from him. However, Duri's bullying became more relentless, and one day, Duri found himself alone with Hazel in the school library. He asked Hazel why he had allowed him to get to her so easily, and Hazel explained that he had seen something in him that he didn't like. Duri admitted that he saw something in Hazel that reminded him of his own weaknesses, and he tried to tear Hazel down instead. Hazel's eyes widened in surprise, and Duri admitted that he didn't hate him in the first place
As their relationship continued to grow, their newfound understanding and shared experiences deepened their connection. They became inseparable, supporting each other through the ups and downs of high school, and eventually, their friendship blossomed into something more-a love that neither of them could have predicted. As they stood together on their graduation day, surrounded by friends and family, Hazel and Duri knew that their journey from enemies to lovers was a testament to the power of forgiveness, growth, and the mysterious connections that can be formed between seemingly opposite souls.