Summary: At the dawn of the 20th century, Alek Napier, a 12-year-old beggar, found himself in the bustling port city of Bideford, England, on the day of the annual boat race. As he watched the race, a sudden eruption of screams pierced the air, and a gaping hole formed in the middle of the Bideford River. The panicked cries echoed everywhere, from the tall-standing aristocrats to the daring beggar boys roaming the streets. Amidst the chaos, Alek was abruptly pulled away, and darkness enveloped his vision. In 2012, against the backdrop of innovation and bustling travel, 24-year-old Rosalie Escobar relocated from Canada to London for a new job. Her world takes a terrifying turn when, moments after passengers disembark at London International Airport, Big Ben explodes, leaving a chaotic scene of destruction and panic. Amidst the chaos, Rosalie goes missing. Plot Point: Time Travel- Wormhole Mystery Supernatural Forces in Play Plot Twists Familial tensions Lost siblings Time skip Character Death Bullying Dark Pasts New page Comedy (To the best of my ability) Chapter structure: Every other chapter is a different character POVAll Rights Reserved
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