In the year 2030, a young girl known as Aimi Honoka of Tokyo, Japan, was one of the only survivors of a school massacre, along with her friend Katsuo Akane. This immoral act was carried out by a secret underground organization controlled by the government, this group were looking after children who had been sighted doing supposedly "godly acts". To make sure they were all wiped out, the organization carried out mass exterminations of schools in the country - no questions were to be asked, no funerals were to be held, to everyone after the event, these kids never existed.
2 years on, Aimi and Katsuo are hiding away with a bunch of survivors of the, now called "The 2030" in the underground networks of Tokyo, hoping they are safe. However, they are still hunted, hunted by beings who want nothing more than to destroy them, pulverize them out of existence...
They best be scared - These kids have special pendants, jewels, items that grant them special abilities of elements, weaponry, and god like statistics that are beyond of which the world have seen. Now they are waiting, watching, contemplating when to use their abilities on this government and the people who acted out "The 2030"
Is the world ready?