In the heart of the supernatural realm, we find Dylan Saldivar, a vampire burdened by the weight of his eternal life. He yearns for the fleeting, yet profound experiences of the mortal world, a desire ignited by his father's tales of living as a half-vampire, half-mortal being.
Fate, however, has a peculiar way of weaving its threads. Dylan's life takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with Haliah Curt, a woman whose spirit is as free as the wind. Haliah, who has been living under an alias, is blissfully unaware of her true lineage. Her mother, Nathalie Curt, had always told her that her father passed away shortly after her birth, leaving her without even a name to remember him by.
As their lives intertwine, Dylan and Haliah embark on a journey that is as much about love as it is about self-discovery. They find themselves in the midst of a war, surrounded by lies, yet driven by their deepest desires. Together, they navigate the intricate labyrinth of mortality and immortality, setting off on an adventure that will challenge their perceptions and forever alter their destinies.
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