we follow the lives of Mycroft Holmes, his husband Gregory Lestrade, and their devoted son, Alex. Mycroft, a brilliant and stoic man, faces a life-threatening injury , which triggers a series of events that put their relationships to the test.
As Mycroft battles his deteriorating health, Gregory grapples with his own insecurities and the overwhelming fear of losing his soulmate. Young Alex becomes the beacon of strength and resilience, navigating the complexities of family dynamics, medical crises, and the power of unwavering love.
The story delves deep into the complexities of human emotions, exploring themes of love, forgiveness, and redemption. Amidst the backdrop of a hospital's intensive care unit, the characters confront their deepest fears, insecurities, and regrets. Mycroft's fragile condition serves as a powerful metaphor for the fragility of the human heart, both physically and emotionally.