In this enchanting tale of love and destiny, Miguel O'Hara, a brilliant scientist from the year 2099, and Peter B. Parker, a seasoned superhero from an alternate dimension, find themselves drawn together against all odds.
Miguel, a passionate and driven individual, becomes fascinated with Peter's ability to balance his life as Spider-Man with his personal struggles. Despite their differences in age, experience, and background, they discover a deep connection that transcends time and space.
As they navigate their ever-expanding universe, Miguel and Peter face countless challenges. From battling menacing villains to preserving the delicate balance of their respective worlds, the two heroes find solace in each other's arms, providing strength and support during their toughest moments.
Their love defies conventional norms, challenging societal expectations and prevailing obstacles. This heartfelt story explores themes of acceptance, sacrifice, and the power of love to overcome any obstacle
TW : Gay and cuss words
(Note:-This story is purely my imagination. Please don't copy or report my work)
Aarav Yaduvanshi is the eldest son of one of Asia's most powerful business families. Feared and respected, he's calm on the surface but holds immense power within. Known for his sharp focus and hard work, he's unstoppable.
Aradhya Bansal, a shy and innocent girl from a wealthy but traditional family, has lived a sheltered life. She always obeys her parents and knows little about the world outside her home.
What happens when Aarav, a man who never cared for love, becomes obsessed with Aradhya? When her innocence turns into his deepest craving? And when their worlds collide in a way neither of them could have imagined?