This book is a sort of philosophical and psychological study on the causes of the disease. The book consists of two parts - the first part is a collection of considerations on the borderline of psychology and philosophy, enriched with the experience of a person struggling with the symptoms of his disorders on a daily basis. The author attempts to answer the question about the causes and nature of the disease. He presents an approach similar to psychoanalysis, and its concepts, such as id, ego, superego and sexual libido, are presented through the prism of one's own experiences as a sick person and further through the filter of one's own reflection. The author enters into a polemic with the point of view of personal psychology on some issues and presents his own arguments. Explains the meaning of the Freudian triad in the light of the concepts of philosophy and religion.
In his approach, he combines inspiration from esoteric yoga, energy channels of nadi, oriental and Indian psychology with the thought of Schopenhauer, Seligman, Leub...
The second part of the book is less scientific... An additional thread is the parapsychological habit (some stories are in the stylistics of parapsychological sensation, here and there a tone of humor and irony breaks through), seen through the eyes of a sober, not a sick person, enriched with the experience of an occultist and mystic. In this spirit, the author describes the circumstances of the Smolensk tragedy and the almost "accidental" and symbolic encounter with President Lech Kaczyński in the memorable April 2010. A journey through memory is also a journey through the world, because the described events take place both in Warsaw, most often in the Old Mokotów district in its housing estate, and in Wareham, Bournemouth, Saranda, Podgorica, Amsterdam, and Eindhoven. With his memories, the author also travels to an interesting corner of Greece.
Barakah Amal had escaped Nigeria shortly after the misfortune of encountering Jalal Jali as a teenager. Years since past and unbeknownst to her, she's reluctantly summoned back to wed the man who had ruined her life to protect her family.
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