It all starts at the beginning of the junior year of the East High class. A new girl arrives in town after having moved all around for many years. The new girl has never really had friends. She struggles to bond with others because she feels that if she gets close with people, it'll just hurt more when she has to leave again. But when she starts at East High, she meets this amazing boy named Ricky Bowen and she instantly takes a liking to him because she can tell they have similar lives and things in common. Still not quite the saem, though. But even when she feels this way, she stays cautious about getting close with Ricky because she still is worried that she'll be forced to leave eventually and it will be too painful to bear. She doesn't want it to hurt so much after making such a good friend. But eventually she can't hold back anymore, and she decides to try and be friends with Ricky. As their friendship progresses, she finds out things about Ricky's life that she can relate to. As they continue to form a friendship, eventually it will spark into a beautiful love story. But will their story be absent of hiccups? No. But they always will know that their love for each other is stronger than any obstacles they have to face. FOllow the love story of Ricky Bowen and Gina Porter in this amazing story. (In collaboration with GGrace2023)All Rights Reserved