In the untamed wilderness of the 'RA' kingdom, once known as Pandemos, dwelled a fierce barbarian prince named Katsuki Bakugou. Atop his loyal dragon, Kirishima, he embarked on an epic quest to unravel the truth and reclaim a lost myth that had once brought glory to their kingdom.
Legends whispered of the Pearl of Pandemos, a mythical treasure said to hold the power to break the curse that had plagued Bakugou since birth. According to ancient prophecy, only by finding this lost relic could he restore peace to his kingdom.
Along his path, Bakugou encountered a mysterious stranger named Asha Tomiyoshi who graduated from western martial academy, known as Elpedo. Asha possessed enigmatic knowledge and offered cryptic guidance, hinting at the pearl's whereabouts and the dangers that lay ahead. Intrigued and wary, Bakugou cautiously accepted Asha's companionship.
Aurora Yamashi has had the tides against her since she was a child. An orphan from a foreign land, she finds herself leaving the familiarity of her seafaring piracy to travel the land of Godelic with her childhood friend where committing petty theft and hustling travelers has left her with the title of Charlatan. What happens when this young trickster finds herself at the mercy of none other than the feared Prince of Barbarians, Katsuki Bakugo? Will the future Emperor do what he does best and destroy who dares cross his path or will this witty thief manage to steal the heart of a Barbarian?
This story is book one in a trilogy series.
BNHA Fantasy AU
All BNHA characters belong to Horikoshi
An OC x Katsuki Bakugo story