welcome, to the third book to the "my heaven: a Naruto fantasy" series. *bows* anyways, kabuto has kidnapped me so he can gain information. he still feels that I hold a dark secret (he doesn't know I'm from another world yet) and plans to keep me hostage until I die or give in. which ever comes first. sora is included in a few chapters, I'm saved by a very unlikely character. oruchimaru makes a mental appearance and tries to kill me again. and get ready for a creepy twist. also if you like these books please do not hesitate to comment for different anime's or new plot ideas. this is by far the most exciting mini series of the my heaven series and quite enjoy writing it. and if you see a cosplay for it under "my heaven pro" on YouTube that's me, the author playing my part. I have one more thing to say, creepy things like chapter 25 I believe of the first my heaven for Naruto are exciting to me and might happen more often. see ya!All Rights Reserved