Whispers Under the Stars: A Tale of Love and Discovery" is a heartwarming story about two young women who find love and happiness in each other. It examines the struggles that introverted Lily faces and how she finds a kindred spirit in Maya. The story follows their journey as they form a special bond, explore their feelings for each other, and embrace who they truly are. It's a story about self-discovery, the power of friendship, and the transformative nature of love. The tale is sure to leave readers feeling uplifted, optimistic, and inspired.
This book is extremely dark. So I suggest you to think before reading
Xavier Von Francino
A Italian Mafia who is powerful and Most richest Billionaire in the country. He is 32 years old. Power, Money, Blood is all he need in his life until he meet her.. He will make her his no matter what. His obsession can't describe by word. He can't close his eyes for a minute. He want her closer to him so he married her forcefully. He will burn down the whole world if anyone try to hurt her. Only he can hurt his birdy. He is ruthless when it comes to his "BIRDY".He is controlling, possessive, Obsessed..
Grace Monovan
A young beautiful girl who work hard for her life. She is strong, independent. she have no one as her parents died into a car accident when she was 8. A granny took care of her but she also died when she was 13.She is now 19 years old. Although she was happy with her life until she saw Xavier.. her biggest nightmare.she tried to escape but always end up in his cage again..
They are totally different.. what will happen when a Beast fall for his Angel.. his birdy. Will Grace ever able to escape him? or she have to suffer till death..?
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