Victims of rape, of being beaten or surviving something so horrible it still haunts u. I wish to tell ur stories. I wish too spread awareness & show others like u, that even at ur lowest point, that even after everything u went through its still possible to rise about it & show that "I won't let this define me, I won't let this stop me from living & living my life. That what I've been through won't stop me." So if any of u who have been through something beyond horrendous please talk to me, please let me tell ur story. Because it hurts not being able to help u, to help u see that its ok, & that u can rise about & get past what u have been through. I care about u & I want to tell ur stories.
Side Note: I don't know if anyone will open up to me, but just know u can trust me & that I will never judge u, or betray u. And if anyone sees this & does wish to allow me to tell ur story. Thank u. And in case this doesn't work out, I'm just glad I did this. I've been wanting to tell & write other's stories.
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The true life story of Law Advocate, Activist, Journalist, Gender and SRHR Trainer Kaushal Ranasinghe