The novel, titled "Hold My Hand" tells the story of a 14-year-old girl from Tbilisi, (Georgia) Mary, whose life changes radically when a new student, Gabriel, is added to her class, who has completely lost his sight due to a severe disease. Despite the efforts of the detail-observant and thoughtful main character to act with her mind and face his emotions firmly, distant dreams, an unusual friendship with a new classmate, his pain, severe character, unexpected news, and unclear feelings turn Mary's life upside down, as if this "someone" is unquestioningly spreading its hands in her soul, as if this stranger knows everything even about the darkest secrets about Mary... Maybe this "someone" is not a stranger to the main character? Moreover, maybe he has known her for a long time? - This question and the invisible connection with Gabriel disturb the main character, who tries, regardless of many difficulties, to show her new friend again, despite the pain, how beautiful life can be.
27 parts