12 parts Complete "A new mystery begins..."
What would a brilliant young mind from Mistral, a well received teen play actress that's a member of one of the richest families in Atlas(Second only to the Schnees), an expert trap-man with a stylish orange ascot and a fondness for crossbows, and a dude with a knack for all things food and a talking Great Dane all have in common? They all attend the Huntsman and Huntress training school Beacon Academy. Join along as this group of unlikely friends form their group, Team FRBD! And not long after the group formation, there's a spooky figure going around Beacon, seeming to be searching for something......
This series is a thing i'm doing that tells the story of an alternate version of our favorite teenage paranormal/supernatural sleuths.
Just a heads up, considering the tone I wanna aim for with this series, there will be swearing.