30 day challenge
Day 1- write some basic things about yourself
Day 2- 10 likes and dislikes
Day 3- your day in great detail
Day 4- the meaning behind your username
Day 5- 5 places you want to visit
Day 6- what's your favorite/most important band or musician?
Day 7- do you read?What are your favorite books?
Day 8- three things you want to say to different people
Day 9- pet peeves
Day 10- if you could live off one food and one beverage fr the rest of your days, what would the be?
Day 11- what is your favorite quote?
Day 12- screenshot your phone/desktop/etc
Day 13- three confession of your choice
Day 14- provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes
Day 15- photo of someone you fancy at the moment
Day 16- if the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do with your remaining time on earth?
Day 17- what do you want to be when you get older?
Day 18- name the t.v. show you are addicted to
Day 19- a list of all the places you've lived at
Day 20- concerts you have attended
Day 21- turn on's and off's
Day 22- a picture of what you wore today
Day 23- a letter to someone. anyone.
Day 24- seven things that cross you mind a lot
Day 25- would you rather ate someone plain with an amazing personality or someone beautiful with a plain personality?
Day 26- what are some little things that make you feel warm and fuzzy?
Day 27- a picture of your handwriting
Day 28- do you wish for anything at 11:11? If so, what do you wish for?
Day 29- name 3 random favorite things[i.e. book, item brand, etc]
Day 30- anything you want to post about