TRADEMARK REGISTRATION IN AGARTALA IMPORTANCE Trademark registration of a brand in Agartala has become productive in modern business world. Trademark registration in Agartala is imperative to prevent others from adopting the same brand name and logo. It has been witnessed that there are some brand that has been in use since long but has not acquired Trademark registration. In that case, the prior user has to engage in legal battle to register the trademark and process becomes lengthy. HOW TO APPLY FOR TRADEMARK REGISTRATION ? Trademark registration is applied in form TM-A with prescribed fees. The process of getting a trademark registered in Agartala is online. The following documents are required for filing fresh trademark application. Power of Attorney to be submitted by applicant in favor of Attorney. Pan Card/Aadhar Card of the Proprietor/signatory Address of the applicant/office address of the entity. Trade License in case of firm. Incorporation certificate of Company or LLP. Logo Affidavit & supporting user documents like Invoice, bill etc. if trademark already in use. For more details regarding trademark registration in Agartala visit or contact our trademark expert today. ACS has helped a lot of business to obtain trademark registration in Agartala. As trademark registration is a long process it requires proper guidance. Our experts provide proper guidance at the time of trademark registration.All Rights Reserved